Corporate/ School/ Group Training | 企業/ 院校/ 小組培訓


Not only does Years provide a casual way for people to enjoy plant based food, but we also aim to spread kindness and educate everyone on building a more sustainable community, and raising the awareness of environmental protection.

Social Community Development | 認識社區


  • 深水埗的文化之旅和探索
  • 多元化和少數族裔的講座

Our course allows you to embrace cultural diversity through local communities.

  • Cultural Tours & Explorations in Sham Shui Po
  • Expert Talks about Diversity and Ethnic minorities
  • In addition to Sham Shui Po, we can also arrange other areas' cultural tours. Please feel free to inquire with us.
  • 基督教關懷無家者協會深水埗導賞團

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培訓目標 Training Objectives


Allowing participants to get to know the essence of Hong Kong.


Raising awareness of social and environmental issues that affect our local communities.


Enabling you to become a responsible global citizen, advocate for positive change, and contribute to sustainable development.

Environmental & Animal Protection | 環保及動物保護


  • 由專家的分享有關動物保護、純素主義、植物肉和流浪動物等的議題及知識。

Years is dedicated to encouraging people of different walks of life to embrace a plant based lifestyle. In hopes of this, we strive to incorporate environmental and animal protection initiatives into our courses.

  • Sharing insights of Animal Protection, Veganism, Plant-Based Meat, and Stray Animals through expert talks.
  • Years x 非牟利獸醫服務協會


  • Years x 非牟利獸醫服務協會 狗狗領養日

  • 貓行為專題分享早餐會


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培訓目標 Training Objectives


Allowing you to equip with the knowledge and skills to identify and mitigate potential negative environmental and wildlife impacts.


Developing awareness through educating you on environmental and animal protection issues and your organisation’s commitment to these causes. These practices inspire you to take action both within and outside the workplace.

Sustainability Development | 可持續性發展


  • 咖啡渣製作肥皂的工作坊
  • 使用剩餘水果或草本植物製作發酵茶的工作坊
  • 咖啡製作基礎工作坊

We provide down-to-earth ways to practise sustainability in our daily life.

  • Soaps Making Workshops With Used Coffee Grounds
  • Kombucha Brewing Workshops By Using Leftover fruits or herbs
  • Coffee Making Fundamentals
  • 咖啡製作基礎工作坊


  • Years x Taboocha 大杯茶

    工作坊包括介紹發酵茶及造茶過程、品嚐不同原茶發酵前後的味道、發酵茶製作示範、DIY 二次發酵茶

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培訓目標 Training Objectives


Achieving environmental balance through sustainable practices.


Discovering the power of recycled materials encourages innovation and creativity in various other industries. It challenges us to think differently and find new ways to transform discarded materials into valuable and functional products.


Allowing you to fully engage your senses and appreciate the present moment. Handcrafting helps cultivate mindfulness and bring a sense of enjoyment.

Management & Team Building | 管理及凝聚團隊


  • 餐廳營運的實際體驗
  • 餐廳管理的培訓和專家講座

Enhancing your co-operation and management skills through practical learnings.

  • Hands-On Experience on Restaurant Operations.
  • Trainings and Expert Talks About Restaurants Management
  • 香港中文大學 服務學習計劃

    • 提供培訓給中大師生,包括廚房基本運作,調沖飲品及樓面分工程序
    • 學生們嘗試擔任店員,廚房及水吧等角色,營運餐廳一天
    • 服務對象為長者
  • 60萬訂閱找數!MillMilk 挑戰接手餐廳一日

    • 由於Mill Milk Creators對營運餐廳是「零經驗」,在營業前一天需提供全日餐飲培訓
    • 營業當天MM Crew將團隊合作精神完全體現,包容大家的難處及體諒對方的「蝦碌」
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培訓目標 Training Objectives


Promoting collaboration and relationships through running a restaurant for a day.


Learning to discover each other's strengths through clear division of labor.


Gaining comprehensive mastery of essential management skills, including understanding employee motivation and delegation.

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